Unable to Port Forward/ISP reducing torrent speeds? Read here.

This is a problem that a huge fraction of torrent client users face - a red icon at the bottom of the torrent client saying "A firewall/router is limiting your net traffic.Please open up a port".Port forwarding is a solution but if your router is not listed at PF or you can't find how to map ports at your Router Control Panel,your torrent download speeds suffer tremendously.

The solution to problems of those unlucky ones (that includes me too) might seem absolutely strange/unjustified - it is the most-popular P2P app - LimeWire.Grab the free/pro version and open the torrent with it.Start the download,hold some patience,and you'll notice the speed soaring to never-before speeds on your connection with uTorrent/Azureus Vuze. Instability at higher speeds may be an issue,but,the average speed would lie way above that in uT.

I personally tried this on my connection (and my friend's too) and the torrent speeds were almost as high as the TCP speeds.Though results may vary with connections,you can give it a try.Even if the speeds don't get blazing high,you'll notice stability at good speeds.

I can't actually explain why this happens,but possibly LimeWire utilises the Gnutella network alongwith the BT network.

Download YouTube Videos in Google Chrome

Google Chrome,since its inception,has stood out for its clean UI and its efficient rendering engine.However,it still doesn't match the utility of Mozilla's giant FIREFOX,especially when it comes to installing addons.In case you are a Chrome fan and don't like opening that memory-hogging Firefox every time you stumble across a YouTube video you want to download,here's a JavaScript app that lets you save the video to your HD.Just open the video in YouTube,paste the script in the URL bar,and hit enter.A 'Save as' window will pop up,and you're done.

YouTube grabber script :

javascript:window.location.href = 'http://youtube.com/get_video?video_id=' + swfArgs['video_id']+ "&l=" + swfArgs['l'] + "&sk=" + swfArgs['sk'] + '&fmt_map' + swfArgs['fmt_map'] + '&t=' + swfArgs['t'];